Torn Paper Landscapes

Torn Paper Landscapes

Difficulty: Easy

The unique qualities of Tru-Ray® Construction Paper make it perfect for this torn landscape project.

Lesson Plan Ideas

Learning Objectives for Grade 2:

Developed by: Glenda B. Lubiner, NBCT, Art Educator, Franklin Academy, Pembroke Pines, Florida

Students will:

  • Understand the concept of landscape, cityscape and seascape and identify similarities and differences.
  • Draw a landscape, cityscape or seascape.
  • Create a color sketch of their landscape, cityscape or seascape.
  • Create art without using the usual tools and interpret their drawings with torn paper.

Project Steps:

  1. Step 1:

    Show examples of different landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes. Discuss similarities and differences between them.



  2. Step 2:

    Have each child draw a design of their choice on 12" x 18" Pacon® Manila Drawing Paper and write what colors they will use.

    step 1

  3. Step 3:

    To get the nice torn edge needed for this project, demonstrate how to tear Tru-Ray® Construction Paper using your fingers close together.

  4. Step 4:

    Then demonstrate how they should leave pockets while gluing to insert other pieces of paper.



  5. Step 5:

    Have children then transfer their design to a 12" x 18" piece of White Tru-Ray® Construction Paper, using only torn paper, making sure they cover the entire sheet.

  6. Step 6:

    When completed, let dry. Trim edges about 1/2" on all sides. Glue to a piece of 12" x 18" Black Tru-Ray® Construction Paper for a finished look.

    step 6



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